Saturday, January 26, 2013

Using cellphone

In my opinion, using cell phone in public is dangerous. First, when people concentrate on writing e-mail or speaking with their cell phone, they won’t hear sounds of surrounding. They may be involved with a traffic accident because they can’t notice a car is coming. It is also dangerous to  walk with listening to music wearing ear phone. It is a violation of traffic regulations. I heard that if you commit the violation, you have to pay a penalty, about 50,000 yen. Next, using cell phone in public is related to Japanese culture which Japanese people often move in some groups. Most of Japanese people think they don’t want to be seen they are lonely, so they often take a communication with someone when they are alone. However, it may make Japanese society they can’t move alone. Recently, Twitter and facebook are very popular among young people. I have both of their accounts, and often use these application. To communicate with my friends by them. I think it is not bad things, but I'm afraid that people can't communicate with their friends well in the future. Cell phone is very useful, but people should reconsider how to use them.
[200 words]

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