Saturday, January 26, 2013

My favorite elementary school memory

I remember that I would often to do my homework with my classmates after school. My elementary school teacher gave us a lot of homework. We have some workbooks, for example Chinese characters and arithmetic. I didn't like to do them, so I couldn't keep the deadline for submitting my homework. My homeroom teacher made students who didn't finish doing their homework like me to do it after school. I stayed in my classroom, and I did my homework until about 6:00 p.m. with my classmates. My friend also didn't her homework, so she used to make our teacher angry. Our teacher said her to finish doing own homework after school, but she wanted to go home quickly, so she disregard our teacher’s words and went home as she pleased. She would often annoy him. When I was kept after school and finished my work, the teacher gave me some snacks as a reward.
[153 words/8003 words]

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