Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to control your angry

How often are you angry in your life? I'm always careful not to be angry to people who are around me, my friends, my family and so on. In this time, I will tell you how to control your angry. First, you should change your mind. Don’t assume that you are absolutely right. If you aren't wrong, try to tell your opinion to someone. At this point, remember to calm down. Then, clean the fuzz out of the head. Imagine that irritating things are caught in a big ant-lion and your feel refreshed. When you have some irritating things, you should forget them as soon as you can. The best way of controlling your angry may sleep deeply. I can forget my irritation after I sleep well. I think sleep is very important to control myself. Finally, you should always think about joyful things. If you have a smile on your face, people will enjoy being with you, and you won't be angry.
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