Friday, January 4, 2013

BR 2-05: The Giant Jelly Bean Jar

"In a big voice, he yelled, 'PEANUT BUTTER!'" (p. 28)

This story is about a shy boy, Ben. He loved jelly beans of Jo-Jo's jelly bean shop. Every weekend, it had a contest, and Ben and his sister, Jill, joined the contest. Jo-Jo read a riddle, and the person with the right answer won a jar full of jelly beans. Ben knew answers of Jo-Jo's questions, but he couldn't answer in public because he was very nervous. I can understand his feelings. I'm not good at talking in public. When I stand in front of many people, I often forget what I want to talk. From I was an elementary school student, I had a lot of chances to talk in public, I still can't speak well because I'm nervous. After I entered the university, I had a chance to talk in English and to speech about educational problems in front of my classmates. I think I must find the way that I'm not nervous, but I haven't find it yet.

Aboff, Marcie. (2004)
The Giant Jelly Bean Jar.
Harper Collins Publisher: New York, America.
[181 words/5064 words]

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