Saturday, January 26, 2013

My favorite class

My favorite class is for the English teaching methods. I was taken lectures by Mr. Takaki. He is a professor of Kumamoto University. When I met him for the first time, he looked strict. He spoke to us in English all the time of first class. I worried about that I could understand his lectures in the term. However, I took some of his classes, I got more and more pleasantly to take them. I found that he liked talking. He told us many things. Of course, I learned about teaching English to children. He sometimes made small talk. He told that a famous singer who he made a speech in English together, and making osechi, Japanese traditional food which was eaten in New Year’s Day with his wife. It is not only his talking, but also learning English teaching method. First, we made a group with two or three classmates. Then, we collate contents of text book with the group members, and expressed it in class by turn. It was hard for me, but I could consider the good way to teach English to students. I knew the best way is very difficult  to carry out. In the next fiscal year, we will take his another class. I'm looking forward to learning good English teaching methods again.
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