Friday, January 25, 2013

BR 2-12: Get Well, Good Night

"They slurped until every drop was gone." (p. 45)

Get Well, Good Knight
This story's Good Night was very kind to three little dragons. He noticed that the dragons were sick in bed, and he acted to help them. He went to see a wizard to get a medicine at first. The wizard made really strange medicines. First, he stirred fish scales, old snails, fingernails and lizard tails. Next, he made a soup with frog slime, old grime, a rusty dime and a rotten lime. These two kinds of soup looked unappetizing, so three dragons didn't want to eat them. The Good Night tried to make them having the soup because he wanted them to get well, and he tasted the seasoning of these soup instead of them to tell dragons that these soup were good medicine for them. Of course these soup were bad taste! Finally, he visited to his mother to ask what to do to curing of dragons' sick. She made chicken soup. I was surprised that, but dragons slurped all of the soup, and they got well.

Thomas, Moore, Shelley. (2002).
Get Well, Good Night.
America: Puffin Books.
[184 words/7700 words]

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