Wednesday, January 23, 2013

How to sleep well

I’ll tell you about three things what important for me to sleep well. First, I don’t eat anything two hours before I go to bed. I hear that eating something just before we go to bed makes our intestines hard to work, and makes us difficult to sleep. Also, if you eat something late at night, you are going to put on a lot of weight easily. Second, I turn the small light on. When I was a child, I was afraid of ghosts, and I can’t sleep without a little light. Fortunately, I have never seen ghosts. I still have the habit that I can't be asleep soon in a dark room. Finally, I don’t use a pillow. Many people use their own pillow, I know. However, I have a pain in my neck after I use a pillow, so I don't like using a pillow. If you know good pillows, please tell me it.
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