Friday, January 25, 2013

BR 2-10: Owl at Home

"'Good-bye,' called Owl, 'and do not come back!'" (p. 15)

This owl was funny. He opened the door of his house, and told to wind, "come in and warm yourself for a while," but the wind with snow did a great deal of damage to his house. He was angry with the winter's behavior, so he said "do not come back!" When he was in bed , he found two bumps under his blanket at the bottom of his bed. They were his own feet, but he didn't notice that. He was afraid of the bumps, and he couldn't be asleep. I liked the story of Owl and the moon the best. He thought that the moon and he were best friends because the moon was following him. I liked a phrase of him, "it is always a little sad to say good-bye to a friend." I sometimes feel that, too.

Lobel, Arnold. (1975).
Owl at Home.
New York, America: Harper Collins Publishers.

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