Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My favorite animal

I like dogs very much. I had a poodle before, but she died about two years ago. She was first dog which my family had. My mother brought her to our house when I entered an elementary school. My mother and father had their own jobs, so I would be lonely in our house if they have to work till late at night. They didn't want me to miss them, so they decided to have a dog. We named her Betty. This name came from a character’s name, Betty Boop. Betty has reddish brown body. It was rare color in that time. It was fun to play with her, so I used to play with her after I came home from my school. Betty’s and my birthday was same, February 18th, so my mother gave Betty a bite of my birthday cake every year. When Betty was about four years old, she had a partial paralysis.She couldn’t go out for a walk, and she couldn’t discharge by herself. My mother took care of her every day. Because of her disease, she couldn't breed her babies. She died in the morning of spring. I was very sad, and regretted not taking care of her enough. When my pet dies, I'm sad and I feel that I don't want to have animals again. However, dogs are very pretty, and I can make a lot of good memories with my pet. In the future, when I live alone, I want to have a dog. I'll choose a poodle with reddish brown body.
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