Saturday, January 26, 2013

BR 2-17: Three by the Sea

"So they sat on the beach and ate the cheese." (p. 34)

three by the sea cover imageThree children in this story are very interesting. First, they had nothing to do, and considered what to do on the beach. Then, they decided to read a book. First, a girl read a story of the book she had, but the story was very childish, so the other two boys didn't like it. Next, Sam said, "I can make more interesting story than it," and he started to tell a story which appeared a cat and a rat. I liked his story very mush! It was interesting. A rat found a pretty cat in a pet shop, he really liked him, and he bought him soon. The rat wanted to be friends with him, but you know cats are animal which eat rats, so I thought the rat was eaten by the cat. I read this story with exciting. In the end of the story, the rat asked the cat's favorite food. I expected that the cat answered "RATS," and he ate the rat. However the end was different from my expectation, the cat answered "cheese." The rat was delighted cat's answer, they ate cheeses together, and became good friends. I was interested that I couldn't expected the end.

Marshall, Edward. (1981).
Three by the Sea.
America: Puffin Books.
[218 words/9977 words]

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