Saturday, January 26, 2013

About England!

I learned about England last year, but I have a few things which I couldn't understand. Now, One Direction, English singer group, is very popular in the world. They are very popular in my friends who are in eibei department. They always listen to their songs in lunch time. I also like their songs very much. I often listen to their songs, One Thing, Up All Night, Live While We're Young, What Makes You Beautiful, and so on. When they appeared Music Station, Japanese famous music TV program, I could under stand their English without interpretation. I was very delighted that. I didn't have good impression to England, but after I knew the group, I was interested in it. They introduced English New Years' party, and I wanted to join the party. In the following, I wrote things that I learned from lectures of Mr. Yoshida.

The capital of Britain is London.
The present Prime Minister of Britain is David Cameron.
The latitude of Britain is about the same as that of Kamchatka Peninsula.
The real name of Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
You can graduate from a British university in 3 years.
Cambridge University is national.
IRA is the abbreviation of Irish Republican Army.
The East End is a poor district in London. Poor people came to live there because the west wind blows.
Anglican Church is the national religion of Britain.

I like the view of England, so I want to see with my eyes. I would like not only studying language, but also learning cultures of England. English which was used in England is difficult, but I want to go there and to study English in the future.
[277 words]

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