Saturday, January 26, 2013

BR 2-13: Mouse Tales

"'Hello rainbow!' they both said together." (p. 31)

There are seven stories in this book. I liked the story of Very Tall Mouse and Very Short Mouse the best. Very Tall Mouse and Very Short Mouse are good friends. At first, I couldn't understand why they were good friends. Their field of vision were different, for example when Very Tall Mouse saw birds, Very Short Mouse saw bugs, and when Very Tall Mouse saw ceiling, Very Short Mouse saw floor. However, in the end of the story, they saw a rainbow together. I found that they saw a world with each other, so they were good friends. I also liked the story of the wishing well. It was strange story. A mouse threw some pennies, the well said "ouch!" The mouse felt strange, and she threw her pillow into the well not to be hurt him, and she threw a penny into the well. Then, the well made many wishes of the mouse. Every one of her wishes came true! I really want the well.

Lobel, Arnold. (1972).
Mouse Tales.
New York, America: Harper Collins Publishers.
[182 words/9217 words]

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