Saturday, January 26, 2013

My favorite dish

My favorite dish is stew. I often eat it in winter. The reason why I like it is not only delicious, but also healthy. There are many kinds of vegetables in stew, potatoes, carrots, onions and so on. My mother sometimes put Chinese cabbage in it. Recently, my mother’s stew is used taros instead of potatoes. It is very good taste because of simmering. I have made stew for myself before. I could cook it very well. It wasn’t difficult for me to make it. I cut vegetables, fried them in a pot, poured water in it, put roux and simmer for a while. It takes a little time to make it, but I was interested. If the stew is left over, I can eat gratin. I put torn bread in a gratin dish, pour the stew, put a slice of cheese on, and bake it by a toaster oven. It is delicious, too! I recommend this way to eat rest of stew.
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