Friday, June 22, 2012

Traffic Accident!!

In the morning of 15th, the day was Friday, I went to KGU earlier than usual to do my homework with my friends. I usually have a lecture in second period, but it was canceled on that day. We planned that we finished our homework by noon, and we went having lunch at kogane to eat takoyaki. 

I looked forward to do that, and I drove a motorized two-wheeled vehicle. When I ran near KGU, a red car which was running front of my motor bike reduced its speed. I noticed that, but I didn't its blinker, and I tried to keep going straight. At that moment, the car turned to the left!! I couldn't get out of the way of the car, and my motor bike collided with it! I broke balance, and I fell on my right side. I couldn't understand this situation for the first time. A driver of the car got off and walked up to me as soon as I fell. "Are you O. K.!?", the man said. There was a young woman on the car, and she called a police station. According to the talking, she is a KGU's student, so the man who is her father was seeing her to the university.

About 10 minutes later, four police men came to the spot of the action. They asked us our names, addresses, phone numbers, and so on. We explained how the matter happened. After we finished explaining it to policemen, the car driver took me to the Kumamoto Orthopedic Hospital because I injured my right arm and right pinkie finger.

When we arrived to the hospital, I finished reception, and we wait my turn of a medical examination. We wait for about 15 minutes,and I saw a doctor. I took X-rays of my right arm and right pinkie finger. However, nothing abnormal showed up on it. I got some compresses.

Next day, I had muscular pain over my whole body. Especially, raising right arm was so difficult.

On Monday, I went to Kato Orthopedic Hospital Hikari-no-mori. I explain the situation of the accident to a nurse. I saw a doctor, and I had to take X-rays again!! I took them of right shoulder, right knee and waist. Then, nothing any broken bones, but there are many bruises that the doctor was surprised. I got some compresses and two kinds of medicines taken orally.

Thanks to this traffic accident, I found that I hate to go to the hospital... I thought that it is bothersome to call the insurance company and a person who causes an accident. Luckily, there is few chips on my motor bike, but I broke left side view mirror of the car. I decide I NEVER drive carelessly! 


  1. Mitsuki~(´・_・`)
    I hope you will get well soon><

  2. Traffic accident is very dangerous. Be careful. I Hope you will get well.
