Saturday, June 30, 2012

My close friends

I'll tell you about my close friends!

When I was in the third year of junior high school student, I became a friend of Knna. We were in the same class. She said to me, "I want to be a friend with you!". I was so glad to talk with her, and I still can't forget the situation. We used to study in our classroom early in the morning, move between classrooms together, and go home part of the way. Without her, I might not be able to pass the entrance examination of high school of my preference. She is a good listener of  my worries about studying, friends, love and so on. She went to different high school with me, but we sometimes made contact each other, and meet. Recently, we went a drinking party with our friends of junior high school days. I met her after a long separation. We talked about memories in our junior high school. We had a good time, and we promised to go summer festival. I'm looking forward to coming the day!

I have another friend I like very much. Her name is Chiaki. We met in our high school for the first time. Half a year had passed since we entered the high school, we first had a conversation. We found a kindred spirit in, and we got along with each other soon. I understood her feelings without she said anything, and either did she. I have been helped by her many times. I don't know I have ever helped her, but the days spending with her is my treasure. She lives in Miyazaki prefecture now. She also study at the university. I can't meet her easily, so I miss her. When she come back to Kumamoto, I meet her, and go shopping or talking about mutual university life. She will study abroad about six months in this year. I won't be able to see her for quite a while, but I want support her studying English. I want to go abroad, and study English someday. Our dream is having conversation in English each other!

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