Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Essays 1-02c: Welcome to KGU!

Hello! We are students of KGU and we are sophomore. There are a lot of exchange students at KGU. To enjoy life at KGU, we think there are things we want them to know about KGU. We will introduce about need and want to know about KGU for exchange students. We will introduce about departments, timetables, various building, library, English-Lounge, bulletin board and we will tell you about facilities we wish to have. They are important and useful to spend their time at KGU. 

First, KGU have thirteen departments. We’ll mention their names, the department of Commercial Science, Business Administration, Hospitality Management, Studying Britain, the United States, and East Asia, Economics, International Economics, Legal Economics, Social Welfare, Welfare Environment, Children’s Domestic Welfare, and Life-wellness. There are so many students in KGU. Especially, Eibei department students and International Economics department students are studying English there, and they probably want to have chance to speak English. We think most of them want to talk with exchange students, so We hope that exchange students will have a lot of chances to contact with KGU’s student who belong to several departments! 

Second, We think exchange students have to know timetables of the classes. If they don’t know timetables, they will be late for the beginning of the classes and be able not to take part in the classes. At KGU, first period starts at 9:00 a.m. It starts so early, and some of the students often are late for the time, so please be careful to late for the class. Second period starts at 10:40 a.m. After finishing the class of second period, we have lunchtime. Third period starts at 1:00 p.m. Fourth period starts at 2:40 p.m. Fifth period starts at 4:20 p.m. A period is for 90 minutes, so the time between the classes is only ten minutes, except for lunchtime. If it is far between class rooms, people must move quickly. Especially, it is quite a long way between building No. 12 and No. 14, so we often move with running, or we are late for next class! That’s why we have to hurry a preparation for next class. If exchange students know time table the classes, they can participate in the classes and enjoy studying. 

Third, one thing exchange students will need to know is there are many buildings. There are about fifteen buildings at KGU. So, we sometimes got lost at first, but we are safe now. Maybe you get lost in school, so you have to confirm place and a classroom of next lecture. It was difficult for me to learn place of building, but we will teach you about building the details. There are about seven building of having classroom. It is building No.1, No.3, No.4, No.7, No.11, No.12 and No.14. Other, There are library, a gymnasium, a students’ dining hall, a student’s hall and a clubroom building. There are many computers in the fourth floor of building No.14. We can use freely. There is book and a stationery store in the first floor of building No.12. There is a student’s dining hall in the first floor of building No.7. There are many clubrooms in the building No.8. There are club and circle at KGU. There is a training room in a gymnasium. Everybody can go there. We hope to go there some day. And, there are a lot of other classrooms and many facilities. 

Fourth, the library at KGU is very large and has a lot of books. There are novels, dictionaries, newspapers, picture books, magazines, and so on. These are written not only in Japanese but also in foreign languages, for example, English, Chinese, Korean, and so on. Also, computers are set up there. We can use computers freely at the library. When KGU students must hand in a paper, they often go to the library because they can get a lot of information. That is why the library at KGU is very useful to study and get information. 

Furthermore, the library at KGU has more good points. One thing is AV room. This room is on the second floor. There are many CDs and DVDs. When KGU students have a free time, they often use this room. If they want to watch DVDs with two or more people, they can use the private room. They can be sure of having a good time. Something else is a studying space called “Study Room.” This room is on the first floor. There are many spaces to study at the library, but study room is special. The library prohibits us from eating and drinking, but drinking is allowed in this room. Also, we have to be quiet, but this room is allowed us talking with friends. When students need to have a break while they study, they had better use there. 

Also, something else they’ll want to know is there is “English Lounge” in the first floor of building No.1 at KGU. There are many students studying abroad and Japanese students of KGU. So, we can exchange culture and language between many nations. In the room, people can’t speak Japanese, they must speak only English, so KGU students use to improve their English ability. English-lounge staffs are very kind and cheerful! We think exchange students can be friends with them soon. We think English Lounge is the best place to become friends with KGU students and other exchange students. 

Then, exchange student should remember that they check the own department’s bulletin board when they come KGU in the morning and before they go home. Very important things are written in the board. If you don’t check it, you can’t know the classes are canceled or meetings are held. Sometimes, students who don’t check them wait for the teacher at a class room of the canceled lecture. If the lecture of first period is canceled, you can sleep longer than usual, so we recommend to check the board every day! 

Finally, we wish to have other facilities. For example, fast-food, a locker room and parking areas. There are many food's facilities, but we want new food's facility. We bring many textbook and prints to school every day. So, we need a locker for personal use in KGU. There are areas for parking bicycles and motor bicycles, but KGU hasn’t free parking areas. Some students who come here by car park at prefectural theater. However, when we park there, we need 400 yen a day. It is expensive for us, so we want free parking areas! 

That is why we think it is important for exchange students to know about KGU. KGU has a variety of departments. Exchange students have to remember timetables of classes and positions of buildings to take classes. The library is the best place to study by ourselves or with friends, so we recommend making the most of there. Also, when they go to English Lounge, we’re sure they have a good time, so please try to go there! Then, you have to check the own department’s bulletin board and other’s bulletin board. We think KGU will become better if there are fast-food, a locker room and parking areas. If you have questions about KGU, please ask us!  

 I co-authored this essay with ... (& ...). We used content from our previous, individual essay posts (1-02a-b).

Individual essay posts (1-02a-b)

My revised essay (2012.05.23)
Rina's revised essay (2012.05.23)
Hikari's revised essay (2012.05.23)

Here are links to each of our co-authored essays:

Joint essay posts (1-02c)

My revised essay (2012.06.20)
Rina's revised essay (2012.06.20)
Hikari's revised essay (2012.06.20)

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