Saturday, June 30, 2012

My close friends

I'll tell you about my close friends!

When I was in the third year of junior high school student, I became a friend of Knna. We were in the same class. She said to me, "I want to be a friend with you!". I was so glad to talk with her, and I still can't forget the situation. We used to study in our classroom early in the morning, move between classrooms together, and go home part of the way. Without her, I might not be able to pass the entrance examination of high school of my preference. She is a good listener of  my worries about studying, friends, love and so on. She went to different high school with me, but we sometimes made contact each other, and meet. Recently, we went a drinking party with our friends of junior high school days. I met her after a long separation. We talked about memories in our junior high school. We had a good time, and we promised to go summer festival. I'm looking forward to coming the day!

I have another friend I like very much. Her name is Chiaki. We met in our high school for the first time. Half a year had passed since we entered the high school, we first had a conversation. We found a kindred spirit in, and we got along with each other soon. I understood her feelings without she said anything, and either did she. I have been helped by her many times. I don't know I have ever helped her, but the days spending with her is my treasure. She lives in Miyazaki prefecture now. She also study at the university. I can't meet her easily, so I miss her. When she come back to Kumamoto, I meet her, and go shopping or talking about mutual university life. She will study abroad about six months in this year. I won't be able to see her for quite a while, but I want support her studying English. I want to go abroad, and study English someday. Our dream is having conversation in English each other!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

BR 1-07: Stories of Princes & Princesses

"The king smiled. 'Well, the reward for rescuing a princess is to marry her,' he said. So Colin lived clumsily, but happily ever after." (p. 11)

In this book, princes and princesses have personality! For example, the princess who wouldn't get married, the poor prince, the rich princess, the smelly prince, and so on. Especially, I liked the story of the clumsy prince. He is the clumsiest prince in the kingdom. When he fight dragons, he fall over them. When he battered villains, he bumped into them. He and a princess fell in love, but he was opposed the marriage with her at first. However, he rescued a princess from a thief, and he married her. When I finished reading this story, I felt so happy :)

Rawson, Christopher. (2003).
Stories of Princes & Princesses.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

BR 1-06: Jack and the Beanstalk

"She placed a little hen on his hand. Jack watched as it clucked, flapped its feathers and laid a shiny golden egg." (p. 30)

My favorite scene of this story is that poor family, though Jack and his mother, became rich thanks to a hen which can lay golden eggs. Jack took the hen from a giant's castle. He heard that his father was killed the giant through a fairy , but he got away from the giant! It was so courageously!! The giant is spite and avaricious, but his wife is kind to Jack. She gave him half of a sausage which was as long as him! In addition, she hid Jack not to be seen and eaten by the giant. I think Jack could escape from the castle, thanks to her.

Katie, Daynes. (2006).
Jack and the Beanstalk.
London, England.

About my keitai

My keitai is a Disney smart phone which is sold by Softbank. I bought it before I entered KGU. It started to sell on February 18, 2011. In this cell phone, there are many Disney applications. For example, pictorial symbols, a camera, games, and so on. Many Disney characters appear in this cell phone. I love Disney characters, so I feel so happy whenever I use it. 

I bought it when smart phone and iPhone started to spread to many people, so my smart phone had some inadequacies, and I have had it repaired twice. It didn't cost then. 

I pay its charge for myself every month. It costs about 7,000 yen per month. That is not easy for me, but I have to look after myself!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Shopping ♡

In Saturday, June 16th , I went to youme town with Ai and Sahoko.
2012-06-16-12-40-03_deco.pngWe met at 11 a.m., and we had lunch at first. We couldn't decide the best restaurant for us, so we had been irresolute for about 10 minutes. We wanted to eat pasta then, so we enter a garlic dish restaurant. Its name is ninniku-ya. We ordered different pasta each other. I chose Japanese taste pasta which was used a pickled ume and beefsteak plants. It was so delicious! For dessert, we ordered honey toast which is put honey, caramel sauce, and vanilla ice cream on a loaf of bread. When we ate it, we felt so happy!!

After the lunch, we watched some shops. Sahoko recommended slaw&w closet that there are many fashionable clothes. I bought a tank top, a pants and a shirt of a different color with Shoko. In addition, Sahoko bought a denim skirt, a short-sleeved shirt and two tank tops. Ai bought a white shirt. I liked these clothes very much. I wore the pants in Monday immediately!

I had a very good time. Recently, I had bad things for example a traffic accident and many assignments. I could relax, and I think friends are very important for me. 

Friday, June 22, 2012

Traffic Accident!!

In the morning of 15th, the day was Friday, I went to KGU earlier than usual to do my homework with my friends. I usually have a lecture in second period, but it was canceled on that day. We planned that we finished our homework by noon, and we went having lunch at kogane to eat takoyaki. 

I looked forward to do that, and I drove a motorized two-wheeled vehicle. When I ran near KGU, a red car which was running front of my motor bike reduced its speed. I noticed that, but I didn't its blinker, and I tried to keep going straight. At that moment, the car turned to the left!! I couldn't get out of the way of the car, and my motor bike collided with it! I broke balance, and I fell on my right side. I couldn't understand this situation for the first time. A driver of the car got off and walked up to me as soon as I fell. "Are you O. K.!?", the man said. There was a young woman on the car, and she called a police station. According to the talking, she is a KGU's student, so the man who is her father was seeing her to the university.

About 10 minutes later, four police men came to the spot of the action. They asked us our names, addresses, phone numbers, and so on. We explained how the matter happened. After we finished explaining it to policemen, the car driver took me to the Kumamoto Orthopedic Hospital because I injured my right arm and right pinkie finger.

When we arrived to the hospital, I finished reception, and we wait my turn of a medical examination. We wait for about 15 minutes,and I saw a doctor. I took X-rays of my right arm and right pinkie finger. However, nothing abnormal showed up on it. I got some compresses.

Next day, I had muscular pain over my whole body. Especially, raising right arm was so difficult.

On Monday, I went to Kato Orthopedic Hospital Hikari-no-mori. I explain the situation of the accident to a nurse. I saw a doctor, and I had to take X-rays again!! I took them of right shoulder, right knee and waist. Then, nothing any broken bones, but there are many bruises that the doctor was surprised. I got some compresses and two kinds of medicines taken orally.

Thanks to this traffic accident, I found that I hate to go to the hospital... I thought that it is bothersome to call the insurance company and a person who causes an accident. Luckily, there is few chips on my motor bike, but I broke left side view mirror of the car. I decide I NEVER drive carelessly! 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Essays 1-02c: Welcome to KGU!

Hello! We are students of KGU and we are sophomore. There are a lot of exchange students at KGU. To enjoy life at KGU, we think there are things we want them to know about KGU. We will introduce about need and want to know about KGU for exchange students. We will introduce about departments, timetables, various building, library, English-Lounge, bulletin board and we will tell you about facilities we wish to have. They are important and useful to spend their time at KGU. 

First, KGU have thirteen departments. We’ll mention their names, the department of Commercial Science, Business Administration, Hospitality Management, Studying Britain, the United States, and East Asia, Economics, International Economics, Legal Economics, Social Welfare, Welfare Environment, Children’s Domestic Welfare, and Life-wellness. There are so many students in KGU. Especially, Eibei department students and International Economics department students are studying English there, and they probably want to have chance to speak English. We think most of them want to talk with exchange students, so We hope that exchange students will have a lot of chances to contact with KGU’s student who belong to several departments! 

Second, We think exchange students have to know timetables of the classes. If they don’t know timetables, they will be late for the beginning of the classes and be able not to take part in the classes. At KGU, first period starts at 9:00 a.m. It starts so early, and some of the students often are late for the time, so please be careful to late for the class. Second period starts at 10:40 a.m. After finishing the class of second period, we have lunchtime. Third period starts at 1:00 p.m. Fourth period starts at 2:40 p.m. Fifth period starts at 4:20 p.m. A period is for 90 minutes, so the time between the classes is only ten minutes, except for lunchtime. If it is far between class rooms, people must move quickly. Especially, it is quite a long way between building No. 12 and No. 14, so we often move with running, or we are late for next class! That’s why we have to hurry a preparation for next class. If exchange students know time table the classes, they can participate in the classes and enjoy studying. 

Third, one thing exchange students will need to know is there are many buildings. There are about fifteen buildings at KGU. So, we sometimes got lost at first, but we are safe now. Maybe you get lost in school, so you have to confirm place and a classroom of next lecture. It was difficult for me to learn place of building, but we will teach you about building the details. There are about seven building of having classroom. It is building No.1, No.3, No.4, No.7, No.11, No.12 and No.14. Other, There are library, a gymnasium, a students’ dining hall, a student’s hall and a clubroom building. There are many computers in the fourth floor of building No.14. We can use freely. There is book and a stationery store in the first floor of building No.12. There is a student’s dining hall in the first floor of building No.7. There are many clubrooms in the building No.8. There are club and circle at KGU. There is a training room in a gymnasium. Everybody can go there. We hope to go there some day. And, there are a lot of other classrooms and many facilities. 

Fourth, the library at KGU is very large and has a lot of books. There are novels, dictionaries, newspapers, picture books, magazines, and so on. These are written not only in Japanese but also in foreign languages, for example, English, Chinese, Korean, and so on. Also, computers are set up there. We can use computers freely at the library. When KGU students must hand in a paper, they often go to the library because they can get a lot of information. That is why the library at KGU is very useful to study and get information. 

Furthermore, the library at KGU has more good points. One thing is AV room. This room is on the second floor. There are many CDs and DVDs. When KGU students have a free time, they often use this room. If they want to watch DVDs with two or more people, they can use the private room. They can be sure of having a good time. Something else is a studying space called “Study Room.” This room is on the first floor. There are many spaces to study at the library, but study room is special. The library prohibits us from eating and drinking, but drinking is allowed in this room. Also, we have to be quiet, but this room is allowed us talking with friends. When students need to have a break while they study, they had better use there. 

Also, something else they’ll want to know is there is “English Lounge” in the first floor of building No.1 at KGU. There are many students studying abroad and Japanese students of KGU. So, we can exchange culture and language between many nations. In the room, people can’t speak Japanese, they must speak only English, so KGU students use to improve their English ability. English-lounge staffs are very kind and cheerful! We think exchange students can be friends with them soon. We think English Lounge is the best place to become friends with KGU students and other exchange students. 

Then, exchange student should remember that they check the own department’s bulletin board when they come KGU in the morning and before they go home. Very important things are written in the board. If you don’t check it, you can’t know the classes are canceled or meetings are held. Sometimes, students who don’t check them wait for the teacher at a class room of the canceled lecture. If the lecture of first period is canceled, you can sleep longer than usual, so we recommend to check the board every day! 

Finally, we wish to have other facilities. For example, fast-food, a locker room and parking areas. There are many food's facilities, but we want new food's facility. We bring many textbook and prints to school every day. So, we need a locker for personal use in KGU. There are areas for parking bicycles and motor bicycles, but KGU hasn’t free parking areas. Some students who come here by car park at prefectural theater. However, when we park there, we need 400 yen a day. It is expensive for us, so we want free parking areas! 

That is why we think it is important for exchange students to know about KGU. KGU has a variety of departments. Exchange students have to remember timetables of classes and positions of buildings to take classes. The library is the best place to study by ourselves or with friends, so we recommend making the most of there. Also, when they go to English Lounge, we’re sure they have a good time, so please try to go there! Then, you have to check the own department’s bulletin board and other’s bulletin board. We think KGU will become better if there are fast-food, a locker room and parking areas. If you have questions about KGU, please ask us!  

 I co-authored this essay with ... (& ...). We used content from our previous, individual essay posts (1-02a-b).

Individual essay posts (1-02a-b)

My revised essay (2012.05.23)
Rina's revised essay (2012.05.23)
Hikari's revised essay (2012.05.23)

Here are links to each of our co-authored essays:

Joint essay posts (1-02c)

My revised essay (2012.06.20)
Rina's revised essay (2012.06.20)
Hikari's revised essay (2012.06.20)

Using the Computer

       I bought own computer before I entered KGU, but I didn’t use it frequently last year. I moved up to the second-year class, and I get many assignments, so I always use my computer. I often use Microsoft Word to write papers. I don’t like using computers because my eyes tires. I usually get assignments which I have to type words on the computer, so I have no choice except using it. Recently, I accustom to use computers, and I’m not quick to tire my eyes.

Friday, June 15, 2012

BR 1-05: Hansel & Gretel

"The walls were made from chunks of cake and the roof was glistening chocolate." (p. 30)

I like this story because the house which made of sweets. I think most of people have thought that they want to live such a house. I have thought that again and again. When I imagine sweet sponge bricks, a gingerbread door, and candies flower beds, I feel so happy.

I also like the scene that Gretel made the wicked witch frazzled in witch's own oven while Hansel were shut in the shed. It was too cruel, but she was bravely. Hansel took Gretel to their house like an older brother. I can feel the family's love in the story.

Grimm, Jacob, & Grimm, Wilhelm. (1812).
Hansel & Gretel.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

BR 1-04: The Frog Prince

"The frog had vanished. In his place stood a handsome young prince." (p. 42)

I have never read this story, so I chose it. This story is very interesting! At first, I think it was willful that the princess was rude to a prince who her parents want her to marry. However, as I went on reading, I found that the prince was unreliable. Moreover, I think the frog was greedy because he asked to eat from the princess's plate, to drink from her glass and to sleep on her silken pillow instead of fetching her ball from the pond, but that was for being human again. I'm glad to get married them.

Grimm, Jacob, & Grimm, Wilhelm. (2006).
The Frog Prince.

BR 1-03: Little Red Riding Hood

"Then the wolf woke up. He tried to sneak out of the door, but the stones rattled inside him." (p. 45)

In this story, the wolf which can never catch anyone eats vegetables last. That is funny. I didn't know the scene. I think the reason that the wolf failed is that he greedily had tried to eat both Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. If he had eaten only Little Red Riding Hood, he wouldn't be snipped open his tummy by a woodcutter.

Little Red Riding Hood forgot rules of the woods, "keep to the path and don't talk to wolves", so she was eaten by a wolf. However, I think the main character of stories usually don't keep promises.

Grimm, Jacob, & Grimm, Wilhelm. (2006).
Little Red Riding Hood .
London, England.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Favorite Movie

       My favorite movie is Valentine's Day. In this movie, my favorite actors appeared, for example Jessica Alba, Anne Hathaway, and Ashton Kutcher. 

       Anne Hathaway appeared on The Princess Diaries, The Devil Wears Prada, and so on. I have watched The Princess Diaries many times. I would often think that I wish I was also told suddenly "to tell the truth, you were a princess".  

       I knew Ashton Kutcher on What Happens in VEGAS for the first time. Then, I was charmed by his smile :) I like his face, strong build, and acting. I make sure the movies which he appears in spite of myself.

       When I was a high school student, I went to the theater to watch it with my best friend. This movie was showed in the season of Valentine’s Day. There were bunches of flowers, chocolates, and various other things which have a relation to Valentine’s Day, so I felt happy. I want to see this movie again because of writing about it!

Monday, June 11, 2012

My Favorite Singers

       Recently, I often listen to music when I have nothing to do, or while wearing makeup―writing my blog. In this post, I'll tell you about my favorite singers :)

       First, I'll write about Britney Spears. I have listened her song since I was a elementary school student. My mother likes her, and she used to listen Britney's songs. I would often listen her songs in my  mother's car. I like Bombastic Love the best of all her songs. I practiced singing her songs, and I became to be able to sing some of them. I often sing them at karaoke!

       Second singer is Avril Lavigne. I listened Girlfriend when I was a junior high school student. That was the first time of listening her song. I remember listening the song with my friend *:) I like Smile, too. This song is relatively new. If you haven't listened yet, I want you to listen it. I like its lyrics and melody.

       Then, I recommend Taylor Swift's songs. I watched Valentine's Day which is one of the movies before. Today Was a Fairy tale is the theme song of this movie. She also appeared this movie, and she is so beautiful. I went watching it with my best friend, and we became to like her and her songs. Most of her songs are quiet. I love their lyrics!

        Finally, I like Carly Rae Jepsen. Do you know her? I knew her recently. Call Me Maybe is my favorite song. The promotion video of this song is very fun :) If you are interested in it, watch it once! You can see it on youtube.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Girls' Talk

       On May 8th, I went to Joyfull restaurant in toroku with Misaki, and we had dinner. I often go dinner with her :) 

Photo: ね、ね、念願の~



無理かもしれんけど!(笑)       I ate a hamburger stake, and she ate a chicken and rice casserole. After we ate them, I had a green tea parfait, and she had a cheesecake. I had plenty, and I felt so happy *:)!!!

       We talked mainly about love. I don't have a boyfriend now, and she worries about that. She told to me about her boyfriend. She has some trouble with him. However, I have experienced little of love, so I couldn't give good advice for her. We also talked that we MUST lose weight, but we ate dishes which are high in calories!! We will start diet from tomorrow―may be. 

       The coming-of-age celebration holds in January, and I'm going to join the ceremony next year, so I want to lose my weight during this year :(

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Welcome Party

In June 5th, we had tea ceremony club's welcome party of freshmen. It is held once a year, and I couldn't join this party last year because of my part time job. To tell the truth, I had a part time job in the day too, but I was absent from work, as I really want to join it!

This party was held in kogane which is a banquet hall. I had classes until fourth period, so I could go there a little early. We prepare for coming many people who belongs other circles as soon as we got there. We brought dishes to tables, and we greeted guests.

From coming guests and starting the party, time passed in an instant. We carried a lot of beer bottles and empty platters which are after guests finish drinking or eating. These works are hard for me.

Although I don't smoke, my body smelled of cigarettes because some guests smoked in the hall, and it was filled with cigarette smoke. However, I was glad to come so many people to our party.
I was happy to talk with Tsukaji-san who give me his kindness during freshman-camp! Probably, he memorized my name... 

I have liked tea ceremony club members every time we experience events. They are my treasures♡

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Foreign Countries

       I want to go to foreign countries someday. If I can go a foreign country, I choose Canada. Because I have heard that Canadian accepts foreigners willingly. I want to study how to speak in English well, so I want to study abroad. However, I don't still have enough TOEFL score, so I take the chair of TOEFL. I think I don't have English ability to go abroad now, so I'll study English harder!

       I guess that Australia is also good country to study English. One of my friends went to Australia, and she said that she had very good experiences there. Another friend will go to U.K. in this summer. British English is more difficult than American English, but I like British buildings and culture. I really want to go abroad! 

My Other Classes

       I often get assignment in other classes. Especially, reading class's assignments are very difficult, and it takes so much time. In reading class, we learn how to read newspaper. Reading newspaper is so difficult for me. 

       Then, I take lectures of British history. I have disliked studying history since I was a junior high school student, so it is also difficult. However, I like the story of English Royal Family.

       I like teacher-training courses the best. We sometimes watch video that some teachers distress by the classes in which children simply don't sit down and listen. When I watched the video, I think being a teacher isn't easy.

       This year, i have a lot of things to do, for example assignments, but I'll do my best!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Dark Shadows

May 30th is KGU’s anniversary of the founding, and we didn’t have lectures.

I went to the movie theater to watch “Dark Shadows” which is a film directed by Tim Burton, and Johnny Depp stared. I went there with Mao Shiraki. We had promised to go watching this movie before putting on it.

A vampire played Johnny Depp and a witch played Eva Green appears on this movie, and the witch loves the vampire. However, the vampire loves another woman. I think this story’s theme is “love and jealousy”. Loving is very precious in our life, but being jealous of a man who loves another woman not me is just ridiculous. I haven’t loved a man who is worthy of being jealous, so I can’t understand the witch’s feelings well. If I were the witch, I would abandon him. Her jealous is ridiculous, but she is strong. She is an obstacle to the vampire’s love, but it’s hard to hate her.

This movie was so exciting. I hope that many people watch this. In June 15th, “Snow White” will show. I heard its story is different from the Grimm Brother’s fairy tale, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. We also will watch it together. I’m looking forward to coming the day!

May 25th

I went to Kami-tori and Shimo-tori with Misaki Matsueda after fifth period of lectures on May 25th.

First, we went to Bunka-ya variety store. I love this store because it sells SWIMMER which is my favorite sundry goods brand. Its brand’s goods are so cute I found very cute and fashionable bags, and I bought them! They are embroidered a lion, two donkeys, and many flowers. SWIMMER’s distinction is not only cute but also cheap! This bag is 1,890 yen! There are many things which we can buy at less than 1,000 yen for example pouches and pen cases. SWIMMER’s pen case is durable, so I have used it for about four years, and I bought new one at SWIMMER.

Then, I went to Hanamaru-udon to have dinner. I like udon very much. I had just one bowl of udon, but Misaki had two! She is a big eater! I recently had no time to have enough dinner, so I felt so happy 

Misaki is one of a very very good friend! I can tell her anything about love, studying and so on. I want to go dinner with her again! We plan to go eating yakiniku!!