Monday, July 30, 2012

BR 1-11: Sleeping Beauty

"As Florien's sword touched a branch, something magical happened. Each sharp thorn became a sweet-smelling rose." (p. 43)

When Rose was born, seven fairies gave her wishes. They hoped Rose will be beautiful, be clever, dance to perfection, be able to play every instrument or sing, and get true love. Thanks to them, Rose became a perfect lady. I wanted to get fairies wishes! If people have perfect abilities like that, they may not have worries in their life. After everyone in the castle fell asleep, many princes tried to rescue "Sleeping Beauty", but the thorns cut their skin and the roots wrapped around their legs, so they gave up. However, when Florien came to the castle, the thorns changed roses. I think he has already been Rose's "true love"! It was so romantic!!

Knighton, Kate. (2006).
Sleeping Beauty.
London, England.

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