Tuesday, July 31, 2012

BR 1-15: The Nutcracker

"Next came the exotic dance of coffee. A beautiful Arabian princess danced with smooth, swirling movements in time to soft, soothing music." (p. 42)

This is the first time to read this story. Clara and the Nutcracker Prince celebrated defeating the Mouse King, and they went to the Ice Queen's icy palace. Inside, icicle chandeliers hung from every ceiling. Eight ballerinas twinkled as they spun around. They also visited the Sugarplum Fairy's the Land of Sweets. There were the mountains which were topped with melted chocolate and milkshake rivers. Clara ate many sweets like chocolate cakes, cookies and candy swirls there. Clara and the Nutcracker Prince had a good time on Christmas. I want to go these places once!

Helbrough, Emma. (2006).
The Nutcracker.
London, England.

BR 1-14: The Story of Chocolate

"Monkeys knew all about the pods. They liked to break them open and suck out the sweet, white pulp." (p. 5)

The reason why I chose this book is that I love chocolate. I knew chocolate is made from cacao beans, but I didn't know its history. I enjoyed reading this book. I was surprised to know monkeys sucked out the sweet, white pulp of cocoa trees pods at first, and a farmer copied them. I also didn't know cocoa beans were used as money. I think people really liked chocolate, and it is the necessity of their lives. The second half of this story, there are many popular chocolate inventors and products name, for example, Coenraad Van Houten, Nestle, kisses, and M&M's. After I finished reading this book, I wanted to eat chocolate!

Daynes, Katie. (2004).
The Story of Chocolate.
London, England.

BR 1-13: Rapunzel

"Two of her tears fell into Prince Hans' eyes, and he gasped." (p. 45)

This is the first time to read this story. It is very interesting. I thought all princes in fairy tales are kind, but Prince Hans made fun of Rapunzel's name. However, he loved her, and he sought her for months when she was cast into the desert by the witch. Rapunzel was so pitiful because she was snatched by the witch from her parents, she treated like a slave, and she was confined to a tower. She was lucky that a young and handsome prince, Prince Hans rode through the forest. I felt happy when I finished reading this book. The names of children who were born between Rapunzel and Prince Hans were very unique! Their names are Pumpkin, Lettuce, and Sprout because Rapunzel was a vegetable's name.

Grimm, Jacob, & Grimm, Wilhelm. (2005).
London, England.

BR 1-12: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

"Feeling very pleased with himself, Max flopped down in the sorcerer's chair. 'Time for a snooze,' he yawned. Soon, he was fast asleep." (p. 20)

I knew this story by Disney animation, but I watched the DVD when I was a little child, so I forgot details of it. I wanted to review this story, so I chose it. The main character's name is Max, and he is lazy. He was fed up with cleaning the sorcerer's workshop. He was ordered by the sorcerer, Sticklewick to fetch enough water to fill the tank. However, Max was too lazy even to do the order. On the contrary, he tried to say magic words which he has not learned yet. I think his character likes mine. In his situation, I may try magic words too! I'm disappointed that I can't use magic!!

Chandler, Fiona. (2007).
The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
London, England.

Monday, July 30, 2012

BR 1-11: Sleeping Beauty

"As Florien's sword touched a branch, something magical happened. Each sharp thorn became a sweet-smelling rose." (p. 43)

When Rose was born, seven fairies gave her wishes. They hoped Rose will be beautiful, be clever, dance to perfection, be able to play every instrument or sing, and get true love. Thanks to them, Rose became a perfect lady. I wanted to get fairies wishes! If people have perfect abilities like that, they may not have worries in their life. After everyone in the castle fell asleep, many princes tried to rescue "Sleeping Beauty", but the thorns cut their skin and the roots wrapped around their legs, so they gave up. However, when Florien came to the castle, the thorns changed roses. I think he has already been Rose's "true love"! It was so romantic!!

Knighton, Kate. (2006).
Sleeping Beauty.
London, England.

BR 1-10: The Elves and the Shoemaker

"They might have lost their magic helpers, but now they were in business again. They had plenty of customers and lots of ideas for new shoes." (p. 46)

I read this story when I was a child. I like this story very much. Especially, I like a scene that two elves made shoes in the shoemaker's workshop midnight. They made them to be free other elves from the shoe seller. They thought if the shoe seller's low quality shoes lose their popularity, they don't have to be forced into working. They were clever. I think that the reason why two elves chose the shoemaker's shoes shop is shoes which he made are high quality and won the confidence of many customers. In addition, the shoemaker and his wife are very kind, and they had pure hearts so elves might bring them profits.

Grimm, Jacob, & Grimm, Wilhelm. (2004).
The Elves and the Shoemaker.
London, England.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

BR 1-09: Stories of Mermaids

"As each day passed, he bagan to feel as sorry for Harmony as a tough old pirate can." (p. 14)

I think the most interesting scene of this story is that Gingerbeard who was the owner of a wreck pitied Harmony singing sad song. He was feared by everyone as the fiercest pirate to sail the Seven Seas, but he wasn't terrible at all because he felt sorry for Harmony, and he gave her polkadot weed which is a kind of medicine for her mother's sick and handfuls of coins. He was very kind! Thanks to him, Harmony's mother was cured, and poor her family could move from a cramped, dark and very cold cave to a warm and cosy cave.

Punter, Russell. (2005).
Stories of Mermaids.
London, England.

BR 1-08: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

"'Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of us all?' 'Well Queen, you are fair, no doubt about it,' the mirror said chattily. 'But Snow White is fairer. She's living in a cottage in the forest,' it added." (p. 24 - p. 25)

The Queen's question, "mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of us all?", is very famous. I have known this phrase since I was a child. I like this story, but this story is little different from the story I know. In Disney's Snow White, she woke up thanks to a prince's kiss, but in this story, the poisonous apple flied from Snow White's mouth, and she opened her eyes. I prefer Disney's Snow White than this book because the end which Snow White woke up by prince's kiss is more romantic. The seven dwarfs were very kind to Snow White, but she broke a promise with them which is not opening the door. I think she was stupid!

Grimm, Jacob, & Grimm, Wilhelm. (2005).
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
London, England.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Essay 1-03b: Language Learning Histories

I'll tell you about my language learning histories. Of course, I'm a Japanese, so I learned Japanese first. I have learned English for about eight years. As a second language, I learned French last year. Let me explain step by step.

For several years, after I was born, I learned Japanese by my parents and my grandparents. Without consciousness that I want to learn these words, I memorized them. I don't remember what word I memorized at first. I guess that word was mama or papa. Possibly I gave a word, banana for the first time because I loved bananas then!

In my pre-school years, I learned so many words. I could put my thoughts into words. However, I also learned that expressing all of my thoughts in words sometimes hurt someone's feelings. I had to choose words when I talked with my friends. It was so difficult for me.

When I was an elementary school student, I learned the proper way to write hiraganakatakana, and kanji. It was difficult to memorize kanji. There are many kanji in Japan, so I couldn't memorize them soon. I suppose that I learned about 1,000 kanji in my elementary school days. I don't know I still can write them without mistakes!

After I entered a junior high school, standard English classes started. When I was in the first year, my homeroom teacher was an English teacher. She was very strict, and she made us do writing practice of English vocabulary. It was so hard, but I could remember many words. I liked reading English the best. In my junior high school, the recitation meet has hold once a year. First, we have to learn a part of text book by heart, and take a test of recitation. Then, a student whose pronunciation is best and most fluent is chosen as the representative of the class. Finally, these representatives take a test again, and just one person can go the recitation meet in our hometown. Although I couldn't go to the meet, I have chosen as a class representative three times. This is my good memory and my pride. While I didn't like speaking English. I couldn't express my feelings in English. I remember that my results of speaking tests weren't good.

English which I learned in the high school was so difficult! However, I like studying English, and I understood basic, so I could keep up with my English classes. I took the trouble to understand grammar. I had many things to memorize. High school English was learning for entrance examinations of university, so I didn't felt that it was fun. There was few chances of speaking English in my high school days. After all, I couldn't improve my skills of speaking in English. Still, I love studying English, so I decided to major it in university.

I took French as second language in KGU. I learned listening and reading. It was very difficult, and I couldn't understand well! However, Mr. Hamada often told us about France. When I heard his story, I wanted to go there. In that year, we didn't learn how to take communication with French. After the second year, we can learn it from French teacher, but I couldn't understand French grammar last year, so I didn't take its lectures. I'm thinking I should take French speaking class or not.

About English classes, writing, listening and reading classes are very interesting. I'm glad to study in high level classes. I'm not good at speaking English, so I want to have chances to talk with exchange students. In addition, I want to go abroad to study English and cultures of foreign counties. I'm studying to take enough scores of TOEIC and TOEFL now.

I really like studying English and other languages. I can't stop study them still! I'll take lectures of Korean next year. I think I'm short of study. I must study harder!

Monday, July 16, 2012

I ♡ K-pop!

I like listening to K-pop. From the beginning I wasn't interested in it. However, when I was in the third year of senior high school, I watched Girls' Generation on YouTube for relaxation of studying. Then, I was impressed by their beauty and dance. I have liked K-pop songs since that time, and I often listen them. Today, I'll introduce my favorite K-pop artists!

First, I'll tell you about Girls' Generation, but this group is known to many people. The member is TaeYeon, Jessica, Sunny, Tiffany, HyoYeon, YuRi, SooYoung, YoonA and SeoHyun. I like SooYoung the best of all the members. She is slender and good dancer. She has experiences of Japanese entertainment activities in the past, so she speaks Japanese very well.

Second, I recommend you After School! I love the group!! The group is composed of eight women, Jung-A, Juyeon, U-ie, Raina, Nana, Lizzy and E-Young. Kahi was a leader of the group, but she left this year. When I heard that news, I was very sad because I think After School don't stand up without her. Her dance is so cool! However, Ka-eun will become a member of this group in exchange for Kahi. I'm looking forward to be released new song.

Finally, I want you to listen f(x)'s songs and watch their promotion video. Their dance is cool. In addition, I like their fashion. It is flashily, but it is personality, cool and cute. Victoria, Amber, Luna, Sulli and Krystal are members of this group. Their dance is exciting! I won't be tired of watching their promotion videos if I watch them many hours.

Someday, I want to go to Korea, and to see them immediately!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Vacation plans

I have no definite plan in this summer vacation but I want to go to Aso with my friends of Eibei department in September. If possible, I want to stay overnight with them in Aso farm land. I think Aso is a good summer resort. I want to eat soft ice cream which is a special product in Aso. Probably, I will have to go to KGU to prepare for takuma festival, KGU’s cultural festival. We have to make costumes for a parade in the city. I couldn’t join last year, so I want to join in this year. I’m a leader of a group of a exhibition. I’ll do my best!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Essay 1-03a: Language Learning Histories

I'll tell you about my language learning histories. Of course, I'm a Japanese, so I learned Japanese first. I have learned English for about eight years. As a second language, I learned French last year. Let me explain step by step.

For several years, after I was born, I learned Japanese by my parents and my grandparents. Without consciousness that I want to learn these words, I memorized them. I don't remember what word I memorized at first. I guess that word was mama or papa. Possibly I gave a word, banana for the first time because I loved bananas then!

In my pre-school years, I learned so many words. I could put my thoughts into words. However, I also learned that expressing all of my thoughts in words sometimes hurt someone's feelings. I had to choose words when I talked with my friends. It was so difficult for me.

When I was an elementary school student, I learned the proper way to write hiragana, katakana, and kanji. It was difficult to memorize kanji. There are many kanji in Japan, so I couldn't memorize them soon. I suppose that I learned about 1,000 kanji in my elementary school days. I don't know I still can write them without mistakes!

After I entered a junior high school, standard English classes started. When I was in the first year, my homeroom teacher was an English teacher. She was very strict, and she made us do writing practice of English vocabulary. It was so hard, but I could remember many words. I liked reading English the best. In my junior high school, the recitation meet has hold once a year. First, we have to learn a part of text book by heart, and take a test of recitation. Then, a student whose pronunciation is best and most fluent is chosen as the representative of the class. Finally, these representatives take a test again, and just one person can go the recitation meet in our hometown. Although I couldn't go to the meet, I have chosen as a class representative three times. This is my good memory and my pride. While I didn't like speaking English. I couldn't express my feelings in English. I remember that my results of speaking tests weren't good.

English which I learned in the high school was so difficult! However, I like studying English, and I understood basic, so I could keep up with my English classes. I took the trouble to understand grammar. I had many things to memorize. High school English was learning for entrance examinations of university, so I didn't felt that it was fun. There was few chances of speaking English in my high school days. After all, I couldn't improve my skills of speaking in English. Still, I love studying English, so I decided to major it in university.

I took French as second language in KGU. I learned listening and reading. It was very difficult, and I couldn't understand well! However, Mr. Hamada often told us about France. When I heard his story, I wanted to go there.

About English classes, writing, listening and reading classes are very interesting. I'm glad to study in high level classes. I'm not good at speaking English, so I want to have chances to talk with exchange students. In addition, I want to go abroad to study English and cultures of foreign counties. I'm studying to take enough scores of TOEIC and TOEFL now.

I really like studying English and other languages. I can't stop study them still! I'll take lectures of Korean next year. I think I'm short of study. I must study harder!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mind map

My language learning story
  • childhood
    • early years
      • parents
      • grandparents
    • pre-school years
      • parents
      • grandparents
      • aunts & uncles
      • teachers
    • elementary school
      • Japanese
        • hiragana
        • katakana
        • kanji
  • Junior high school
    • English
      • listening
      • reading
      • writing
      • speaking
  • High school
    • English
      • listening
      • reading
      • writing
  • University
    • English
    • French
      • listening
      • reading