Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Essay 1-02a: Things for Exchange Students

There are many things to know in KGU. I want to tell about important things to exchange students who come there.
First, KGU have thirteen departments. I’ll mention their names, the department of Commercial Science, Business Administration, Hospitality Management, Studying Britain, the United States, and East Asia, Economics, International Economics, Legal Economics, Social Welfare, Welfare Environment, Children’s Domestic Welfare, and Life-wellness. There are so many students in KGU. I think most of them want to talk with exchange students, so I hope that exchange students will have a lot of chances to contact with KGU’s student who belong to several departments!
Next, exchange student should remember that they check the own department’s bulletin board when they come KGU in the morning and before they go home. Very important things are written in the board. If you don’t check it, you can’t know the classes are canceled or meetings are held. Before, I have waited our teacher more than 10 minutes in the class room which the lecture was canceled because of no check the board L
Third, there is English-lounge in KGU. It is a room that exchange student and this university’s students can contact each other. In the room, people can’t speak Japanese, they must speak only English! It is not easy for me, so I have been there only about three times. I want to talk exchange students better, so I should have more chances to go there. English-lounge staffs are very kind and cheerful! I think exchange students can be friends with them soon.
Finally, students have to know that first period starts at nine o’clock. Some of the students often are late for the time. When such people enter the class room, other students may be able to concentrate. Each lecture takes 90 minutes! It is so long, but we should take lectures with concentration. The recesses are 10 minutes, so if it is far between class rooms, people must move quickly. Especially, it is quite a long way between building No. 12 and No. 14, so we often move with running, or we are late for next class!


  1. Hi, Mitsuki. I'm Ayaka.

    KGU is very good university, isn't it?

  2. Hello, Mitsuki.
    English-lounge is very interesting.
    Have you go to there?

  3. Hi I am nami<33
    I want soft chair in all of classroom!!

  4. Hi,Mitsuki!
    I have never been to English-lounge.
    Please teach me about it more!

