Sunday, December 2, 2012

BR 2-03: The Magic Gifts

"'Come inside,' he called.Chin welcomed Ying and Yong into his home and shared his fortune with them." (p. 46 - p. 47)

Chin's older brother, Ying and Yong, are very greedy. They were hiding their claws in front of their father. Their father hoped that these three brothers live together happily, and he gave them his fortune. However, after their father died, two older brother got a lot of fortune, and the youngest brother, Chin got only a tiny bag of silver coins. Chin was sincere and unselfish. When his money ran out, he wasn't crushed with grief. On the contrary, he could afford to worry about a monk. I think Chin became rich because of his kindness. I should follow his example.

Punter, Russell. (2009).
The Magic Gifts.
London, England.
[122 words/ 2397 words]

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