Monday, November 26, 2012

BR 2-01: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

"He ran down to the village as fast as he could. Nobody believed him." (p. 35 - p.36)

This story is very famous. I have known this story since I was a child. However, in this book, there is a little difference from the story I have read before. In this story I know, the boy lied twice, but in this story, the boy lied three times! I hate people who often lie to their friends, parents and boy/girlfriends. When I was an elementary school student, there was a classmate who used to lie to her friends, teacher, and so on. At first, people forgave her lies, but they couldn't gradually. I don't want to be come to dislike by my friends, teachers and the other people. I have to mind not lying to them!

Mackinnon, Mairi. (2008).
The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
London, England.
[134 words/2128 words]

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