Monday, November 26, 2012

BR 2-02: The Runaway Pancake

"'I SAID, THE FOX, THE GOAT,' the pancake began. But before he could shout anymore, the pig snapped him up and swallowed him... in one gulp." (p. 46 - p. 47)

When I finished to read this story, I was surprised that the pig was very clever! One of my teacher of the teaching profession class told that pigs are the smartest of all animals, and it is true! It is impossible that the pancake can roll fast on long distance, and can talk. However, real pancakes may think that they don't want to be eaten. This pancake was made by a mother for her husband and children, but it escaped from them, and it was eaten by the pig in the end. I had not expected the end that it was a pig which ate the pancake, not human beings, not a dog and not a cat!

Mackinnon, Mairi. (2006).
The Runaway Pancake.
London, England.
[147 words/2275 words]

BR 2-01: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

"He ran down to the village as fast as he could. Nobody believed him." (p. 35 - p.36)

This story is very famous. I have known this story since I was a child. However, in this book, there is a little difference from the story I have read before. In this story I know, the boy lied twice, but in this story, the boy lied three times! I hate people who often lie to their friends, parents and boy/girlfriends. When I was an elementary school student, there was a classmate who used to lie to her friends, teacher, and so on. At first, people forgave her lies, but they couldn't gradually. I don't want to be come to dislike by my friends, teachers and the other people. I have to mind not lying to them!

Mackinnon, Mairi. (2008).
The Boy Who Cried Wolf.
London, England.
[134 words/2128 words]

Essays 2-02b: My Favorite Place

My favorite place is Youme Town, Hikari-no-Mori. It is a department store in Hikari-no-Mori, Kikuyo Town. It was built when I was an elementary school student. There are a lot of clothes shops and restaurants in it. Especially, My favorite place is its food court which is a space to have meals, and the following is what I explain it.

It has many fast food shops, for example, McDonald's, Doutor Coffee, SUBWAY, and so on. It is often full of people in lunch time on weekends. I often have been to this place since I was a high school student. In those days, I worked at McDonald in the food court, so this food court was a important place to have lunch every time when I worked on weekend. Now, I retired the job at McDonald, but I work at an ice cream shop in this food court because I love this place!

The reason I love there is that I can relax. I feel at home when I'm in this place. I hear voices of people, music, noises of many fast food restaurant, and so on. I like them very much.

I sometimes study there when there are few people. If I study in the time that is full of people there, I would be in their way. I can't concentrate on studying at too quiet place, so the food court's some noises are comfortable for me. 

In addition, there are my favorite people who works in this food court. For example, my friend works at SUBWAY, women and men took care of me before works at McDonald, and women works with me at an ice cream shop.

This place has many good memories for me. I would often talk with my friends there. When I was a high school student, I met my junior high school friends there, and talked our good or bad memories in our school years. 

After I entered university, I sometimes meet my high school friends, and talk our troubles of love, studying, part time jobs, friends... etc. We have lunch there, and talk for many hours. One of my high school best friend lives in Miyazaki Prefecture, and she can't come back Kumamoto only sometimes. I have a lot of memories with her, so I miss her. Then, I go to my favorite food court, and I remember what she talked to me. The more I remember that, the more eager I become to see her, but I become not miss her. 

This place is essential for my life. It is likes my second home. I go there, I can relax, and I can see many of my favorite people. If you have chance to go to this place, try to study there!

[456 words/1994 words]

Monday, November 12, 2012

Draft Essays 2-02a: My favorite place

Hi, I'll talk about my favorite place, youme town, hikari-no-mori. It is a department store in hikari-no-mori, Kikuyo Town. It was built when I was an elementary school student. Especially, I like its food court, and the following is what I explain it.

I often have been to this place since I was a high school student. In those days, I worked at McDonald in the food court, so I had lunch there every time when I worked on weekend. Now, I retired the job at McDonald, but I work at an ice cream shop in this food court because I love this place! :)

The reason why I love there is that I can relax. I feel at home when I'm in this place. I hear voices of people, music, noises of many fast food restaurant, and so on. I like them very much.

I sometimes study there when there are few people. If I study in the time that is full of people there, I would be in their way :( I can't concentrate on studying at too quiet place, so the food court's some noises are comfortable for me. 

In addition, there are my favorite people who works in this food court. For example, my friend works at SUBWAY, women and men took care of me before works at McDonald, and women works with me at an ice cream shop.

Also, this place has many good memories for me. I would often talk with my friends there. When I was a high school student, I met my junior high school friends there, and talked our good or bad memories in our school years. After I entered university, I sometimes meet my high school friends, and talk our troubles of love, studying, part time jobs, friends... etc. We have lunch there, and talk for many hours. One of my high school best friend lives in Miyazaki Prefecture, and she can't come back Kumamoto only sometimes. I have a lot of memories with her, so I miss her. Then, I go to my favorite food court, and I remember what she talked to me. The more I remember that, the more eager I become to see her, but I become not miss her. 

This place is essential for my life. It likes my second home. I go there, I can relax, and I can see many of my favorite people :) If you have chance to go this place, try to study there!

[410 words/1538 words]