Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Something special I did during this vacation

My best memory of this summer vacation is going to Tokyo. My high school day’s friend, Yui goes to Capital University in Tokyo. I went to see her with another my high school day’s friend, Tomomi. 

First day, we left Kumamoto at about 15:30. It takes about two hours to arrive at Haneda airport from Kumamoto airport. After that, we rode on a bus, and we spent about three hours going to Yui's house. When we got there, it was about 21:00. We took a bath, and went to bed soon.

Next day, Tomomi and I went to Harajuku and Shibuya by train. Lines were very complex, so it was hard for us to change trains. When we arrived at Shibuya, there were many people and we were tired soon, but we could good shopping and see fashionable people. We lost our ways many time, but it was fun!

The final day, Yui, Tomomi and I went to Roppongi-hills. It was larger than I had imagined. We saw around, and took lunch there. Tomomi and I said good-bye to Yui, and left Tokyo at about 17:30.

I really enjoyed the three days in Tokyo. I want to go there again! I may go there in next spring vacation with my university friends! However, I used a lot of money in this trip, so I have to work hard again :(
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