Sunday, November 6, 2011

Journal B

     I was born on February 18th, 1993. I went to Takaba Minori Infant School until I was six years old, and I entered at Koshi Elementary School. When I was fourth grade of elementary school, I changed my school to Musashigaoka Elementary School. I was sad to leave my friends, but also I could make many friends at Musashigaoka Elementary School. In 2005, I entered at Musashigaoka Junior High School, and I studied very hard. I have liked English since English class started at junior high school. On January, 2007, I passed the entrance exam of Kumamoto Kita High School. The best memory in my school days is painting on large papers for sports festival. We competed their showing, and our group's paintings won! I was very very happy then! Some months later, I finished examination, and I go to Kumamoto Gakuen University now. I made unique friends, and I'm spending massive days.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 140+ words = 3.5 APs!

    Mr. W.

    massive means very large or very heavy.

    *massively* is an adverb that you can put in front of an adjective like "fun" or "meaningful". It means *very very very*
